Survey Updates

RAJAR Bulletin 91

Issued: 2nd May 2012

  1. Data for the period ended 1st April 2012 will be released as follows:
    Results to stations 10.30 a.m. Wednesday 16th May 2012

    N.B. Publication of results is embargoed until 00.01 a.m. Thursday 17th May 2012

  2. New station / group report
    Station / Group name Survey Period
    Absolute Radio 60s Q
    Absolute Radio 70s Q
  3. Stations / Groups name changes
    From To
    96.3 Real XS (was 96.3 Rock Radio) 96.3 Real XS Glasgow (was 96.3 Rock Radio)
    106.1 Real XS (was 106.1 Rock Radio) 106.1 Real XS Manchester (was 106.1 Rock Radio)
    Orion West Midlands FM Free Radio FM (West Midlands)
  4. Revised TSAs
    Station name From To
    106.1 Real XS Manchester(was 106.1 Rock Radio) 2,280,490 2,837,772
  5. Stations / Groups not reporting
    Station / Group name
    107.3 TouchRadio - Warwick
    Total Town and Country Broadcasting