Survey Updates

RAJAR Bulletin 60

Issued: 15th July 2004

  1. Data for the period ended 20th June 2004 will be released as follows:
    Results to stations 6.00 a.m. Thursday 29th July
    Press Release/Conference 11.00 a.m. Thursday 29th July
    Full Tables/Published Reports Monday 9th August

    N.B. Publication of results is embargoed until 11.00 a.m. 29th July 2004

  2. Stations reporting for the first time
    Station name Survey Period
    CTR 105.6 H
    Dearne FM H
    Dee 106.3 Y
    Manx Radio Y
    102.5 FM Radio Pembrokeshire Y
    100-102 Century FM North H
    100-102 Century FM South H
  3. New national reports
    Station Name Survey Period
  4. New national TSA reports
    Station Name Survey Period
  5. New survey period
    Station Name Survey Period
    107 Star FM (Cambridge/Ely) H
  6. New group reports
    Station Name Survey Period
    South & West Yorkshire (Lincs FM Group) H
    Total Mix Y
  7. Station name changes
    From To
    Total Jazz Network (UK) Total Jazz/Smooth Network (UK)
    Jazz FM (London/North West) Jazz FM (London)/Smooth FM (North West)
    Jazz FM (North West) Smooth FM (North West)
    Classic Gold 774 Classic Gold 774 AM (MW)
    Lantern FM 96.2 Lantern FM 96.2 and 97.3
    107.6 Juice FM - Liverpool 107.6 Juice FM
    Juice 107.2 Brighton’s Juice 107.2
    107 Swan FM Mix 107
    Total Radio Investments Group The Local Radio Company Group Total
    Radio Investments North The Local Radio Company North
    Radio Investments South The Local Radio Company South
    107.8 SouthCity FM 107.8FM The Saint
    Star 107.9 Cambridge Star 107 (Cambridge/Ely)
    Star 107.1 Ely Fen Radio 107.5
    The Pulse/West Yorkshire’s Classic Gold The Pulse/Pulse Classic Gold
    West Yorkshire’s Classic Gold Pulse Classic Gold
    96.3 QFM Q96
    96.4 FM The Wave (was Sound Wave) 96.4 FM The Wave
    The Wave 96.5 FM Radio Wave 96.5 FM
  8. Revised TSA’s
    Station Name New TSA ‘000’s
    Brighton’s Juice 107.2 284,636
    Real Radio (Wales) 1,620,428
    107 Star FM (Cambridge/Ely) 254,047
    Lantern FM 96.2 123,700
    106.9 Silk FM 166,201
  9. TSA Population Updates

    RAJAR updates the population figures for all stations once every year. The updates for 2004 are based on projections from JICPOPs (Joint Industry Committee for Population Statistics). The National population has changed from 48,384,000 to 48,862,000 for June 2004. The June figure also incorporates the Isle of Man population for the first time (63,000).

  10. Other Changes

    Ethnic Background
    The Ethnic Background classification question was revised from the beginning of Quarter 2 2004. The question now incorporates two new categories of Black Asian and Asian British.

    15-24 Boost Placement
    Quarter 2 saw the introduction of a targeted boost designed to increase the proportion of 15-24 year old respondents.