Survey Updates

RAJAR Bulletin 65

Issued: 12th October 2005

  1. Data for the period ended 18th September 2005 will be released as follows:
    Results to stations 5.30 p.m. Wednesday 26th October
    Press Release/Conference 9.30 a.m. Thursday 27th October
    Full Tables/Published Reports Monday 7th November

    N.B. Publication of results is embargoed until 7 a.m. 27th October 2005

  2. Stations reporting for the first time
    Station name Survey Period
  3. New group reports
    Station name Survey Period
    Total EMAP H
  4. New national report
    Station name Survey Period
    Total Choice (UK) Q
  5. New survey periods
    Station Name Survey Period
    Fosseway Radio Y
    Time 107.3 Y
  6. Revised TSA
    Station Name New TSA
    Radio City 1,765,520
    Magic 1548 (Liverpool) 1,765,520
    Hallam FM 1,279,630
    Magic AM (Sheffield) 1,279,630
    97.4 Rock FM 1,334,336
    96.9 Viking FM 1,109,398
    Magic 1161 (Hull) 1,109,398
  7. Station name changes
    From To
    106 Century FM Heart 106 (formerly 106 Century FM)
    EMAP ILR Total Total EMAP ILR
    SRH Scotland Region EMAP Total Scotland
    SRH Central Scotland EMAP Central Scotland
    Vibe FM (formerly Galaxy 101) Vibe West
    Vibe FM Vibe East
    GCap Media FM Networks Combined The One Network
    Total Jazz/Smooth Network (UK) Total Smooth Network (UK)
    Jazz FM/Smooth FM (London)/Smooth FM (North West) Smooth FM (London/North West)
    Jazz FM/Smooth FM (London) Smooth FM (London)
    KCR 106.7 Merseyside’s 106.7 The Rocket
    TheWireless Group (inc talkSPORT) UTV Radio (inc talkSPORT)
    TheWireless Group (excl. talkSPORT) UTV Radio (excl. talkSPORT)